2022 Best Halloween Gift for Kids - Swing set

For many children there is nothing better than being rocked all day long. Anyone who does not live in the immediate vicinity of the playground sometimes thinks about buying their own swing. But which model is suitable for which age? Should the swing be for indoors or outdoors, and does all the swinging work without a garden? I took a closer look at various baby and lattice swings as well as garden swings for children from 3 years of age.
Which swing for which age?
As is so often the case, you can answer with a clear "it depends". Some children are very secure on the swing very soon, while others need a little more support and protection. In general, however, one can say:
Swings for babies
The general swing recommendation says that children should not be put on a swing until they are about one year old. And we're not talking baby cradles here. In any case, you should wait until your baby can sit stably enough. And even then they usually don't have a secure hold on a "real" swing. Therefore, a baby swing or high swing with a safety bar or harness is best. Some even have a raised headboard that offers extra protection.
Swing for small children up to 3 years
Again, it depends very much on the individual development of your child. Some can sit safely early on and hold on to the chains of the swing, others still forget to do this from time to time. You still need a small fuse that will prevent falls. Lattice swings do that pretty well. The advantage over high swings is that the individual wooden sticks can be pushed up and your child can climb into the swing independently. In addition, children up to the age of three still have enough space for their legs.
Swing for children from about 3 to 4 years
From this age, most children can sit fairly confidently on an ordinary garden swing with a board, hold on and practice swinging themselves with their legs and upper body. Here there is the classic version of a swing board made of wood or plastic with two suspensions or with a rope that is clamped between the legs. Which you and your child like better is simply a matter of taste.
If you have several children, or if you want to include visits from friends directly and avoid arguments, there are swing frames to which several swings can be attached. Here you can also hang a lattice and a board swing next to each other for the transition phase to becoming a professional swinger.
Nest swings - for beginners, advanced and for group swings
Nest swings are finding their way into more and more playgrounds and now also gardens. If your baby likes it, you can put it in there and swing it very easily. It's far from rocking, but many babies like the gentle movements.
The circular swings are great fun for more advanced swingers. People like to stand in it and get wild momentum. Older children can also swing and romp in it together.
Indoor swings
For real swing enthusiasts, it is also worth buying an indoor swing. A great job, especially in times when the daycare centers are closed again and again. if you have the space However, swinging should not be too wild here. We recommend baby swings for easy swinging fun or for the older ones to hang out comfortably.
Indoor swings can be attached to the ceiling with hooks or clamped into the door frame with a telescopic bracket.
Swing for children - but safe!
Regardless of whether it is a baby, nest or board swing, the following applies to all models: the maximum permissible weight for the swing and frame must be observed! You can find it in the information provided by the manufacturer. If it seems a bit small to you: Due to the centrifugal force, not only does the weight of your child act, but a correspondingly higher weight on the swing frame. The same applies, of course, to the ropes or chains of the swing. Also pay attention to the correct braiding of ropes. If they are too coarse, it can quickly hurt the delicate children's hands.
In addition, garden swings are usually exposed to the weather all year round. To avoid breakage, you should pay attention to good quality.
To ensure that your little swingers don't fall over with the swing, the frame should be securely anchored to the ground. Let us advise you. If you want to be on the safe side, have concrete bases poured into the ground.
If you are looking for a swing with a frame for your garden, there are great models here.
Why is swinging so important for children?
Because my stomach is already tingling, my daughter would probably say. In fact, it's true that swinging is really good for your children's development. Your sense of balance is still developing. Swinging and turning or riding a merry-go-round stimulates the vestibular organ in the inner ear – this is the name of the sensory organ made up of three fluid-filled arches that is responsible for our balance. Incidentally, this begins in infancy and is another reason why it is good to carry, rock and - gently! - to rock.